Deadpool 1997- Starting Merc With a Mouth Month With His First Ongoing Series

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In this weeks episode, Ryan makes Jamie read Deadpool's first ongoing series from 1997. Written by Joe Kelly, pencils by Ed McGuinness and inks by Nathan Massengill. 

They also go on tangents about MCU fantasy booking, Jamie's comparison of Deadpool to Shakespeare, Jamie's disdain for this specific portrayal of the Irish accent, and an attempt at a nuanced discussion about political correctness in the 90's and today. 

00:00 - Intro
05:46 - Ryan badly explains the publication history of Deadpool
13:30 - Starting with the Arting
27:08 - Story with spoilers
42:51 - 44:58 - Deadpool 3 minor spoilers and MCU fantasy booking
52:23 - Jamie's rant on the Irish accent portrayal
59:55 - Deadpool and Political Correctness 
1:10:24 - Ryan's little bits before the end


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Deadpool 1997- Starting Merc With a Mouth Month With His First Ongoing Series
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