Absolute Batman- An Alternate Universe, Working Class Batman?

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In this week's episode, Ryan makes Jamie read the issues 1-5 of the currently ongoing series, Absolute Batman. Written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Nick Dragotta. 

They also discuss the differences to DC's mainline Batman, comparing this to Marvel's Ultimate Universe comics, and whether this Batman is absolutely cool or cringe?

00:00 - Intro
03:11 - Comic Talk Starts
07:41 - Broad Thoughts
08:17 - Comic Credits
08:50 - Starting with the Arting
14:39 - Story with Spoilers
30:48 - Jamie's Bit About Censored Swearing
36:16 - Back to the Comic

YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_2GA9q40JoBmnbOrkjGuJg 

Apple Podcasts- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-comic-literate-podcast/id1670647884 

Spotify- https://open.spotify.com/show/4hd5lO43gSZyyh5UEmcq2U?si=NOE0uX4iRHWGDwIoCRfndQ 

Google Podcasts- https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL3RoZS1jb21pYy1saXRlcmF0ZS1wb2RjYXN0

Pocket Casts- https://pca.st/r8b1cyg7
Absolute Batman- An Alternate Universe, Working Class Batman?
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